Sunday, May 30, 2010

How do you fit 4 boys in one room?

No, it's not a hypothetical riddle. It's a very real question that we are currently facing. I had the ultrasound for baby #6 this last week where I found out that the following little bundle of joy . . .

. . . is a BOY!
(This is a profile of the face, in case you can't tell, and I think it looks like Ian.)

Now, I'm not saying this caught us completely off guard, but we were putting 50% of our hopes on a girl because, first of all, the names are easier to choose. We've already got one, in fact, but I guess we'll be holding on to it a little bit longer. Hopefully, we'll still be able to use it and won't have to force one of our children to give it to one of their children to keep it from going to waste. I can probably get them to do this via the routine deathbed promise, or perhaps greatly-exaggerated-sickbed promise, and then when I miraculously recover they can always resent me for robbing them of the right to choose their child's name, and I can secretly resent that they got to use the name instead of me. But I digress . . . .

The big issue regarding this new arrival is figuring out how we are going to maneuver him into this monstrosity of a room:

The ultrasound tech told me all about her family of 12 kids where they had three sets of bunkbeds in each room. I think their rooms must have been a little bit bigger because I don't see that working in this room. But perhaps we can string up a bunch of hammocks and tell them they are like sailors on a ship. I wonder how many of those sailors developed back problems. Another thought is that we can fashion beds like they have on a train which fold up against the wall during the day and then swing down at nighttime. But I don't trust our ability to make that both easy to operate and safe. Perhaps our only option is to strip the room of all personal and toy-like items and just fill it with beds. It will essentially be like a barracks and we will treat them like our little soldiers.

"All right now, Soldiers! This here room will no longer be considered a room for playin', dressin', or enjoyin' in any way! It will no longer be cluttered with your namby-pamby baby toys, books, clothes, or even pictures! You will only use this room for sleep, while I will occasionally use it for forced imprisonment at my discretion! So say goodbye to your room, and I don't want to see you tryin' to run home cryin' to your mama! I am your mama, and I am the one that did this to you!!"

Yeah, that seems more our style.

Or, since the babies usually spend the first year in our room, I guess we still have a little over a year to figure it out.


Julie K said...

My husband will tell you a story all about the 4 boys and 4 girls in his family who shared one unfinished garage (parents too, I should add) without plumbing or walls. Bedsheets hung up as curtains. Four sets of bunkbeds.

Me? I will just say congratulations. And seriously, look into the submarine bunk situation. Or just give the boys the master.

Amy K said...

I just saw an ad on KSL of a nice wood triple bunkbed. How is Ian with heights?

Amy K said...

If you're interested here's the website

Unknown said...

What an amazing picture! And he's so very handsome. Congratulations sweetie pie! The idea of having the bedroom as just a sleeping quarters and no toys is what I did in the farmhouse. Before your room was built we used that area as the playroom and bedrooms were crammed full of beds. Remember?