Saturday, February 4, 2012

I don't know who I am anymore!

Because I finally changed my background.

I'm just doing a quick post because it's way too late, and I'm not feeling splendid because of 1st trimester morning sickness.  But here is a picture I've been meaning to post for a while.

You are the lucky witnesses of a dream come true.  This last summer Rheanna finally got her wish to ride a horse.


MaryAnn said...

We don't know who you are either. Who is this person who has finally updated her blog????

Kimberlee saw a girl riding a horse on the way home from church today. She sighed and said, "I really wish I could ride a horse." I thought of Rheanna - I think they would get along quite well.

TNIRYAN said...

Kimmmie must go to Idaho. We found a very nice person in the ward just eager to give sweet little girls horsey rides. I hope they're still there. They were trying to buy the Noble's place by our old house. Part way through the ride I realized I was standing in a field that I used to hoe.