Monday, August 29, 2011

Billions and Billions of Diapers

Someone help me out. The title of this post is a nod towards some celebrity, but I don't know who, who used to say the phrase "billions and billions of dollars(?)" in a distinctive voice, with a weird emphasis on the "b" sound. And I actually have never heard them say it. I've just heard people making fun of them saying it. The reason I ask is because I'm sure it will come up in some future trivia game show that I'll be participating in and will be worth quite a bit of money.

For those of you who gently chided me about my blog being "overdue" (Aunt Lauretta, this is a shout-out to you--Hi there!), I must tell you this post has been written in my head since June even before the actual event which culminated in July (when the following picture was taken), and it took me all of August to plan how I would get time to sit down and actually do it. So I need to know (especially from Lauretta, and other seasoned mothers of more than their fair share of children) does it get less hectic? Or is this what I need to expect from here on out? Because I'm drowning in frustration. And laundry. But mostly frustration. But that pile of laundry is also pretty big.

At any rate, I wanted to share the following picture and story:

The diaper I am holding in this picture represents the last of the diapers I received at a surprise diaper shower (my first-ever surprise party that I was 45 minutes late for) that was thrown for me by my sisters-in-law and church friends. Tim was also thrown a diaper shower at work as is their custom to do for employees who are expecting new additions to the family. Gifts of diapers from these two parties has allowed me to go without buying a single diaper (or wipes) for Declan for 10 and a half months!! I even gave away a few of the newborn sizes because Declan was never really a newborn, and I was able to easily exchange a couple of size two boxes for size three when the need arose. Such a feat brought about by the generosity of others was, I felt, well-worth documenting and sharing. A big "THANK YOU" to everyone.

Judging by my current schedule, I will be turning in my assignment titled "What I did for Summer Vacation" in February of 2012. I'll try to get it in earlier for extra credit.


MaryAnn said...

Seriously. It's about stinkin' time. So I guess you can ignore the chastising I told mom to do for me this next weekend...except mom probably won't do it anyway because she gave me all kinds of excuses for you. Random side note: facebook is a quick way to update people on the happenings of your life. Come on, you know you can't fight it forever!

Amy K said...

Very jealous. Wish someone had thrown me a diaper party.

Kathryn Poduska said...

That is awesome...

The Peterson Family said...

It's Dr. Evil from one of the Austin Powers movies - I don't know which one, not a big fan, but I can totally hear him saying it in my head...."billions and billions of dollars"...ummm, I mean diapers!

I only have 4 "things", but I do have a full-time job (you know, besides being a mom and a wife and a....) and I certainly don't see how anyone has time to blog. I used to be pretty good about it, but life gets out of control and it's kind of at the bottom of my list. Sounds like it's the same for you - and I don't think that's a bad thing:) Though it is nice to hear about all the fun you're having every once in a while. Hearing about it every once in a while, not that you only have fun every once in a while:)

Unknown said...

Its billions and billions of stars in the universe and it was Carl Sagan who hosted a weekly science series. He would say billions and billions of years or billions and billions of atoms etc. emphasizing the b every time.