Tuesday, November 16, 2010

And then there were six . . .

Sheesh, where to begin?

Since my last post, we had a Law Family trip, four birthdays, and one brand new birthday. Plus some other stuff that I don't remember.

Let me throw some pictures at ya!

Here's Ian earning his Wolf badge. As part of the ceremony, I get to mess up his face.

See? He's such a cute wolf!

We took off immediately from that ceremony (and I mean immediately) and headed to Idaho for family camping and fishing!

This picture makes it look like Tim fished, but he didn't. Just the kids and I, but I have no pictures of that. Ian and I both reeled in one, and then we both lost one when we had it in our hands.

Here's Ian's first caught fish. He thought it was gross.

Here's a pic of the kids with the family just before we took off for home.

Now it was time to get ready for baby! Here I am to the left at 9 months. I seemed to stay on the small side throughout the pregnancy. I even gained less weight than I did when I was pregnant with Mitchell, who you see me pregnant with at 9 months to the right. So how come Mitchell came out at 8 lbs 11 oz while this baby was . . .

Ladies and Gentleman, we have a 10! And possibly a 1 ounce, but that was never written on the card, so we'll just stick with 10. We were all surprised. Especially me because after barely pushing out a 9 lb 7 oz Meriel, I came away with the idea that a 10 lb baby was beyond my physical ability. And yet it was only a two and a half hour labor including pushing which, albeit painful, was only about 15 minutes. It could have even been less. Life just loves to prove me wrong.

The other surprise was his name. This is the one baby whom we did not have a full name chosen for before we went into the hospital. It was a struggle! We narrowed it down to two and then hoped that when we saw him, it would make the decision for us. Which it did. Right after he was born, I picked him up and stared into his face and asked, "Who are you?!" His face said that he was Declan (pronounced like "Decklin" which is how I saw someone try to write it). I asked Tim if I heard the face right. He said I did. The nurses, who seemed eager to put their two cents in, said that that's what they heard too. I thanked them for their input as I heard Tim mumble something about "yes-men."

So here's Declan aka "the Sixth."

(Yes, I am aware it's been about a month and a half after the fact!)


The Peterson Family said...

Congrats on the arrival of the new little bundle!! He's completely adorable.


MaryAnn said...

Oh my goodness, I want to squeeze his little cheeks. Yes, I have become that person. Look at him can you blame me?