As far as looks, I offer the following comparison picture:
Judge for yourself, America.
(Sometimes I like to pretend that all of America cares.)
While I was looking for Meriel pics, I also came upon these two Christmas gems that make me smirk:
Ward Christmas party--Rheanna wasn't feeling well, but the others are full of life and have just come back from seeing Santa with tales of all the stuff they're gonna get. Ian in particular appears very confidant, Keller is musing on happiness to come, and Meriel's just happy to be here. Considering her behavior before the party, she SHOULD be happy just to be there.
New winter hats made by Aunt Kathryn. This was our first attempt at a picture to capture this momentous occasion. I'm embarrassed to say how many attempts it took just to get a decent one.
Okay, now I was tagged quite a while ago, and have been putting it off (not on purpose). Before everyone starts groaning and exiting this page, let me happily proclaim that I was limited to one-word responses. Thereby allowing you a quick peek into my life, yet not enough to entirely lift the veil of mystery that is so precious to me. It is precious simply because of this: if you knew everything about me, you would very quickly become bored. You get brevity, and I get to stay intriguingly hidden. In fact, answering some of these questions might actually leave you with even more questions. Ha hahaha!
1. Where is your cell phone? ....................purse?
2. Your significant other?.......................dork
3. Your hair?....................................plentiful
4. Your mother? .................................patient
5. Your father?..................................meditative
6. Your favorite thing?..........................progress
7. Your dream last night?........................short
8. Your favorite drink..........................smoothies
9. Your dream/goal?..............................contentment
10. The room you're in?..........................bustling
11. Your children?...............................intriguing
12. Your fear?..........................pain
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years...........wiser
14. Where were you last night?
15. What you're not?.............................spontaneous
16. Muffins......................................Banana nut
17. One of your wish list items?.................projector
18. Where you grew up?...........................Idaho
19. What you read last...........................scriptures
20. What are you wearing?
21. Your TV?.....................................reliable
22. Your pets?...................................non-invasive
23. Your computer? ..............................outdated
24. Your life?...................................educational
25. Your mood?...................................changeable
26. Missing someone?
27. Your car?....................................full
28. Something you're not wearing?................bustiere
29. Favorite Store?..............................Target
30. Your summer?.................................noisy
31. Like someone?................................Pres. Lincoln
32. Your favorite color?
33. Last time you
34. Last time you cried?........................birthday
35. Dislike?..................................image-obsessed
36. Like?...................................cheesecake
I will answer one question:
My husband is a self-proclaimed dork.
I know I'm supposed to tag someone, but I know so few, and everyone I know has already been tagged. Which kinda leaves me feeling like the last one on the playground who got picked to be on a kickball team. It's okay, I don't need the acknowledgement of others to feel good about myself. I've got my self-help books and my imaginary friends (mental note: probably ought to change my answer to #34, *sniff*).
America wants to know why you were crying on your birthday. Was it because your inlaws gave you the same thing they bought you for Christmas?
Nice to see you still take an interest in your blog. I enjoy looking at the various expressions on the faces of your children. I for one find those rare pictures of everyone smiling for the camera infinitely less interesting. And that Keller. He flies under the radar but I'm on to him. I'm on to him.
Where in the world is your bustiere?!
I need to answer Judy's question as to why I was crying on my birthday. I shall do this briefly as well: Meriel--baby powder.
I think I shall communicate in one- to two-word responses from now on. Nice. Less trouble.
Ah, yes. Meriel. Baby powder. Of course.
Thanks for doing my little tag.=) I have a hard time believing that you're not spontaneous. I thought people as witty as you were usually spontaneous.
I never realized how much you and Meriel look alike until seeing the picture of you as a little girl. Meriel holds a very special place in my heart!
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